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the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677
| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |
| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |
| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |
Please be aware:
This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure
to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-
be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not
get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work
such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.
-- The OGR Staff Team
Squeeze my moooose!!
WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!
Last connect was from duo.noderunner.net on Tue Apr 11 22:52:20.750641 2006.
MAIL: 7 messages in folder 0 [unnamed] (0 unread, 0 cleared).
| This laboratory is clearly the residence of a madgirl, a
| spark. Half-built devices of unknown purpose are scattered around on
C| the benches, with wires and rods and glass spheres and gears placed
A| everywhere. A box of wrenches and other, more esoteric, tools rests on
S| one workbench, along with a pair of safety goggles. A small steam
T| boiler rests at one end of the workbench, and a pile of clockwork
L| gears are scattered beside it. A few darker spots on the wood attest
E| to where spills of oil or grease weren't able to be completely erased
| during some creative mishap.
H| A small clank wanders around the room, trying in vain to keep
E| up with the clutter left behind by its creator.
E| (Apologies to Phil and Kaja Foglio for yanking 'Girl Genius'
R| terminology!)
N| Contents: Sparks
| Exits:
| Code Test <CT>
| Out <O>
GAME: Sparks has connected.
* Job# Type Description Due Assigned To Status
20 WEB Studio H web addition --HOLD-- Siobhan ON HOLD
453 CODE Broken code -------- Siobhan UNDERWAY
461 DOCS The Great NEWS Update OVERDUE! Siobhan 3/4 DONE
485 WEB Contact forms -------- Siobhan 1/4 DONE
617 WEB New Embassies Site -------- Avarice NEW
830 APPS Embassy App from Gareth --HOLD-- Avarice ON HOLD
843 ADMIN The Great Purge --HOLD-- Siobhan ON HOLD
862 ADMIN AWOL Ambassador Rules 06/15/06 Siobhan 1/2 DONE
883 APPS Embassy App from Kubla OVERDUE! Avarice NEW
892 APPS Embassy App from Sworisvor OVERDUE! Avarice NEW
913 APPS Embassy App from Bannon OVERDUE! - NEW
917 WEB Embassy App from Crystal OVERDUE! Siobhan NEW
* 918 REQ Martian Dreams Embassy -------- Siobhan NEW
==========================| * Denotes New Activity |===========================
Sparks waves to the viewers.
You say, "Hi, this is a quick example of Atlantis' ability to log in HTML format, while preserving ANSI color and even adding some custom CSS styling."
JOBS: Job 917 transferred to EMAPP.
You say, "I've added a rule which marks certain lines with a class of 'page' -- when generating the logfile, this is added as an additional CSS class to any of the matching <div/> elements. This means I can add some additional styling to those classes... a useful little gimmick, to say the least!"
[Wizened] Siobhan says, "Nite :)"
Sparks pages: Both of these are marked as 'page' lines.
You paged Sparks with 'Both of these are marked as 'page' lines.'
GAME: Siobhan has disconnected.
[Public] Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day Wilco says, "CE is much better."
[Public] Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day Wilco nods sagely.
You say, "La."
[Public] Angel Reverend Othic much.
[Public] Angel Reverend Othic offers a sage nod.
You say, "This is nice, as you can add custom css rules, custom XHTML blocks, and so on. This means it's easy to have logs already pre-generated for use on a logfile site. Since each 'paragraph' of text is in its own div, changing spacing and suchnot is merely a matter of editing the .css file. As I did here, to add the indenting and define what the 'page' class meant."
Sparks has little else to say, so will sign off here. :)